1- guna cuka.
- tuang cuka dlm mangkuk2 kecil, letak kat sudut di ruangan yang selalu dipenuhi asap beracun tu. Tinggalkan semalaman. Hasilnya : katanya dah tak bau lagi rokok tu.. taaaapi kes aku, lau tiap2 hari merokok, jalan ke cara ni? lau tak try maner nak tau aper2.
2- guna serbuk kopi.
-taruk serbuk kopi dlm bekas habuk rokok tu. Hasilnya: akan bau wangi. Tapi... kes opis aku? ntah.. belum cuba belum tau kan.
3- guna lampu garam.
-Terbukti, even masih berbau, tapi tidak berbau kuat sgt.. Cumaaaaaaa... la ni lampu garam aku, base dia dah rosak. Tinggal tugu garam tu jerrr.
4-Pohon lidah mertua..
-semacam best jer cara ni. Caranya letakkan pasu yg dah ditanam lidah mertua tudekat ruangan perokok2 tegar. Expected result: Hilanglaa bau asap2 busuk tu. Mmmmmm mengikut xperience pokok diopis aku. Akan terkulai layu selepas seminggu dok kat situ. Huuuhhh! Kena cari kat kg aku. Kot ada yg kecik pun aku leh try kan.. tak rugi menerai.
Yg tu jer laa yg aku dpt korek utk hari ni.
28 october 2010:
methods used for removal of cigarette smoke smell
Lepas opis aku kena serang dek asap beracun tu lagik, ni sedikit lagi tambahan..- To control the cigarette smoke in our environments.
- The air purifiers are used for the removal of the cigarette smell.
- Vinegar and paint are used for this.
- Smoking smell is in home then switch fan which is set to expel air from the room.
- The detergent and warm water can help to remove smells from furniture.
- By doing the normal washing of the material we can remove the smell.
- To put a slice of lemon in the ashtray and it will absorb a great part of the smell.
- The carpets are professionally cleaned.
- The vanilla extract is best for this.
- Leave an opened bag of charcoal in the car overnight.
- The vinegar and pine-scented cleaner are very effective for it.
- The baking soda is used for the smell removal.
- The aerosol sprays are used for the to get free from the cigarette smell.
- Place small bowls of white vinegar around the room.
- The sandalwood incense and plenty of fresh baked cookies can give the more attractive smell.
Akibat kpd non smoker - bad headache and coughing...Lu pk laa sendirikkk